
Name Identifiers in Golang: 10 Easy Empowering Ways

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Developers always struggle to name identifiers in Golang. Properly naming identifiers (variable names, function names, struct names, class names, etc) is necessary to enhance code readability, adopt uniform naming conventions, and maintainability. On the surface, it seems difficult or ambiguous to apply, but it’s not.

In this post, we will learn about how to name identifiers like a pro.


What is an Identifier

An identifier acts as a distinctive label within programming, enabling the unique identification of entities such as variables, functions, or objects. In executing programs, identifiers play a vital role by providing a means to reference and manage stored information in memory. These labels serve as pointers, allowing programmers to navigate and manipulate data within the code efficiently.

Through the assignment of identifiers, programmers establish a clear and organized structure, enhancing the readability and functionality of the code. Identifiers contribute to the clarity and precision of program execution, enabling seamless identification and interaction with different program components.

Note: We have used the go/golang programming language in this post, but this guideline applies to all programming or scripting languages.

var count = 4 // count is an idetifier here
const name = "Tom"

type Person struct { // Person is an identifier here
  name string
  age int

func isPositive() { // isPositive is an identifier here
////// actual logic
name identifiers in Golang
How to Name Identifiers in Golang

General Guideline for Naming Identifiers

A piece of code is written less often but read many times. Properly naming Identifiers can enhance code readability and add an element of elegance to it.

If we keep in mind that our code should read better when others are walking through our code, we will always name identifiers seriously.

10 Ways to Name Identifiers in Golang

1 – Use Descriptive names for global Identifiers

var TotalRequests // total number of requests

2 – Use Short names for local variables

for index = 0; index < 10; index++ {
  // do something with index

The above for loop can be rewritten as below

for i = 0; i < 10; i++ { // i is better than index for local identifiers
  // do something with i

3 – Replace constants with meaningful names

for i = 0; i < 10; i++ {
  // do something with index

We should give a meaningful name to 10, e.g – maxLen

const maxLen = 10
for i = 0; i < maxLen; i++ {
  // do something with index

4 – Do not repeat unnecessarily (remove repeated names from identifiers)

type stack struct {
  topOfStack int
  isStackFull bool
  isStackEmpty bool

var s stack
s.isStackFull() // does not read better

We have repeated Stack in member names which is not needed, We can modify the above struct as below

type stack struct {
  top int
  isFull bool

var s stack
s.isFull() // reads better

5 – Use consistent naming

type stack struct {
  top int
  isFull bool

var stackOfBooks stack // stack used as prefix
var plateStack stack // stack used as suffix

We can use uniform naming in variables as below

type stack struct {
  top int
  isFull bool

var stackOfBooks stack
var stackOfPlate stack

6 – Use concise, clear names for function

Function names should tell what the function is doing.

Use active a verb followed by the noun for function names. See the below examples for reference.

func calcCharges() {

func getAddress() {


func setAddress() {


func isSeniorCitizen(age int)  bool {
  if age >= SeniorCitizenMinAge {
    return true
return false

7 – Do not use type as a prefix or suffix in custom types

type studentStruct struct {
  name string
  // other members

The above code can be written in a simple way as below

type student struct {
  name string
  // other members

8 – Prefer Clarity over Brevity

func isSeniorCitizen(age int)  bool {
  if age >= SeniorMinAge {
    return true
return false

// change SeniorMinAge with SeniorCitizenMinAge

func isSeniorCitizen(age int)  bool {
  if age >= SeniorCitizenMinAge {
    return true
return false

We should always prioritize clarity over brevity. In the above code snippet SeniorCitizenMinAge is not brief but clear. We should use names like this.

9 – Consistency in naming Identifiers

type Customer struct {
  Name string
  VirtualID string
   UserId string

In the above code snippet, We have used the ID suffix in VirtualID and Id suffix in UserId, We should stick to using only one convention. Let us use the ID suffix, then the above code snippet will look as below:

type Customer struct {
  Name string
  VirtualID string
   UserID string

10 – Add comments for complex identifiers

var numberOfCoursesToBeAssigned = 10 // too long identifier

// can be written as below

var numAssignableCourses = 10 // number of courses to be assigned

Top 10 FAQs on Naming Identifiers

1. Why is naming identifiers important?

Clear and meaningful names are crucial for code readability, maintainability, and understanding. They act as documentation within your code, making it easier for you and others to understand its purpose and logic.

2. What are some general principles for good identifier naming?

  • Clarity: Choose names that accurately reflect the purpose or meaning of the identifier.
  • Consistency: Apply a consistent naming convention throughout your codebase for similar types of identifiers.
  • Conciseness: Use names that are long enough to be descriptive but not overly verbose.
  • Avoidance of ambiguity: Don’t use abbreviations or acronyms unless they are universally understood within your domain.
  • Case sensitivity: Follow language conventions for uppercase/lowercase usage (e.g., camelCase, PascalCase).

3. Are there different naming conventions for different types of identifiers?

Yes, some common conventions include:

  • Variables: Descriptive names reflecting their content (e.g., customerNametotalCost).
  • Functions: Verb-based names describing their action (e.g., calculateDiscountprocessData).
  • Constants: All-uppercase names with underscores (e.g., MAX_SPEEDAPI_KEY).
  • Classes/structs: Nouns representing real-world entities (e.g., CustomerProduct).

4. What are some tools or resources to help with naming identifiers?

  • Style guides: Many programming languages and projects have official style guides with naming conventions.
  • Online tools: Code linters or static analysis tools can identify poorly named identifiers.
  • Naming dictionaries: Resources like “The Pragmatic Programmer” provide naming suggestions for different contexts.

5. How should I handle long identifier names?

Break down long names into meaningful components connected by underscores or camelCase. For example, calculateMonthlyPayment is clearer than calcMonthlyPay.

6. What about using abbreviations or acronyms?

Use them sparingly and only if they are widely understood within your domain. Define them explicitly if necessary.

7. Should I consider the target audience when naming identifiers?

Yes, especially if your code is intended for collaboration or public use. Choose names that are clear and understandable to your target audience’s level of expertise.

8. How can I ensure consistency in my naming conventions?

  • Enforce coding standards through linters or code reviews.
  • Document your chosen naming conventions for reference.
  • Use naming templates for specific identifier types.

9. Are there any naming anti-patterns to avoid?

  • Meaningless names: Avoid names like xtemp, or data that provide no context.
  • Overly generic names: Be specific to avoid confusion, e.g., getName vs. getCustomerFullName.
  • Hungarian notation: Using prefixes like str_ or int_ is generally discouraged in modern languages.

10. How can I improve my identifier naming skills over time?

  • Practice consistently and pay attention to how others name their identifiers.
  • Seek feedback from peers or mentors on your naming choices.
  • Read coding style guides and best practices from reputable sources.


In mastering the art of naming identifiers like a pro, precision and clarity are paramount. Choose names that convey the purpose and functionality of the identifier, reflecting its role within the code. Employ descriptive and meaningful names, steering clear of ambiguous or overly generic terms.

Embrace a consistent naming convention throughout the codebase, promoting coherence and ease of understanding for both yourself and fellow developers. Strike a balance between brevity and informativeness, avoiding unnecessarily lengthy names.

Prioritize readability over brevity, as clear, understandable identifiers contribute to code maintainability. Regularly review and refine naming choices, ensuring they align with evolving project requirements.

Leveraging comments when necessary can further elucidate the purpose of complex identifiers. Ultimately, adopting a thoughtful and disciplined approach to naming identifiers not only enhances code quality but also fosters collaboration and comprehension, elevating one’s programming proficiency to professional standards.

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