
How To Master Higher level abstraction in Golang using generics and interface in 30 Minutes

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Higher level abstraction in Golang is now possible after the introduction of generics.

The addition of generics in Golang fills the missing gap. It also helps in writing abstract code allowing loose coupling.

This post will easily illustrate how to use higher-level abstraction in Golang using generics and interface. Read through it and practice it yourself. Remember, consistent and intelligent practice is the key to success in programming.


Learn Generics in Golang

Higher level abstraction in golang
Higher level abstraction in Golang

Implementation of Achieve Higher level abstraction in Golang using generics and interface

Let us understand this with an example.

Suppose we want to model fruit and vegetable packaging. So we will need a Fruit and Vegetable interface since they are different. Again we have many types of fruits and vegetables. We want to package them in a box, clearly their packaging will also be different. On top of this packaging (Box) will have its property. At this point, it seems complex.

Let us understand this with the below code.

// Implementation of Achieve Higher level abstraction in golang using generics and interface

We will start with defining Fruit interface
type Fruit interface {
	Name() string
	Color() string
	Taste() string
	PricePerKg() int

Also, let us create struct for apple and mango fruit

type Apple struct {
	count int

func (a *Apple) Name() string {
	return "apple"

func (a *Apple) Color() string {
	return "green"

func (a *Apple) Taste() string {
	return "sweet-sour"

func (a *Apple) PricePerKg() int {
	return 100

type Mango struct {
	count int

func (m *Mango) Name() string {
	return "mango"

func (m *Mango) Color() string {
	return "yellowish-green"

func (m *Mango) Taste() string {
	return "sweet"

func (m *Mango) PricePerKg() int {
	return 200

Now let us define Vegetable interface

type Vegetable interface {
	Name() string
	IsFresh() bool
	PricePerUnit() int
	IsFragile() bool

Now we will define Potato and Tomato fruit

type Potato struct {
	name string
	age  int // value in days

func (p *Potato) Name() string {
	return "potato"

func (p *Potato) IsFresh() bool {
	return p.age < 2

func (p *Potato) PricePerUnit() int {
	return 40

func (p *Potato) IsFragile() bool {
	return false

type Tomato struct {
	name string
	age  int // value in days

func (t *Tomato) Name() string {
	return "tomato"

func (t *Tomato) IsFresh() bool {
	return t.age < 2

func (t *Tomato) PricePerUnit() int {
	return 50

func (t *Tomato) IsFragile() bool {
	return true

Now we will proceed to complete box related code. First we will define Boxer interface which will match any type of box

type Boxer interface {
	Name() string
	PricePerBox() int

then we will define boxstructs for fruits and vegetables

type BoxFruit[T Fruit] struct {
	item       T
	weightInKg int

func (b *BoxFruit[T]) Name() string {
	return "box of fruit of " + b.item.Name()

func (b *BoxFruit[T]) PricePerBox() int {
	return b.weightInKg * b.item.PricePerKg()

type BoxVegetable[T Vegetable] struct {
	item       T
	weightInKg int

func (b *BoxVegetable[T]) Name() string {
	return "vegetable box of " + b.item.Name()

func (b *BoxVegetable[T]) PricePerBox() int {
	return b.weightInKg * b.item.PricePerUnit()

We will finish this by writing a driver code (main code) as below
func main() {
	ap := &Apple{10}
	m := &Mango{5}

	boxApple := &BoxFruit[*Apple]{ap, 10} //Since *Apple implements Fruit interface
	boxMango := &BoxFruit[*Mango]{m, 20}  //Since *Mango implements Fruit interface

	potato := &Potato{"potato", 1}
	boxPotato := &BoxVegetable[*Potato]{potato, 5} //Since *Potato implements Vegetable interface
	tomato := &Tomato{"tomato", 2}
	boxTomato := &BoxVegetable[*Tomato]{tomato, 7} //Since *Tomato implements Fruit interface

	boxes := []Boxer{boxApple, boxMango, boxPotato, boxTomato}
	for _, box := range boxes {
		fmt.Println(box.Name(), box.PricePerBox())


///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Complete code as below //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Let us apply generics in Golang to decouple the above code and achieve higher level abstraction in Golang

package main

import "fmt"

type Fruit interface {
	Name() string
	Color() string
	Taste() string
	PricePerKg() int

type Apple struct {
	count int

func (a *Apple) Name() string {
	return "apple"

func (a *Apple) Color() string {
	return "green"

func (a *Apple) Taste() string {
	return "sweet-sour"

func (a *Apple) PricePerKg() int {
	return 100

type Mango struct {
	count int

func (m *Mango) Name() string {
	return "mango"

func (m *Mango) Color() string {
	return "yellowish-green"

func (m *Mango) Taste() string {
	return "sweet"

func (m *Mango) PricePerKg() int {
	return 200

type Vegetable interface {
	Name() string
	IsFresh() bool
	PricePerUnit() int
	IsFragile() bool

type Potato struct {
	name string
	age  int // value in days

func (p *Potato) Name() string {
	return "potato"

func (p *Potato) IsFresh() bool {
	return p.age < 2

func (p *Potato) PricePerUnit() int {
	return 40

func (p *Potato) IsFragile() bool {
	return false

type Tomato struct {
	name string
	age  int // value in days

func (t *Tomato) Name() string {
	return "tomato"

func (t *Tomato) IsFresh() bool {
	return t.age < 2

func (t *Tomato) PricePerUnit() int {
	return 50

func (t *Tomato) IsFragile() bool {
	return true

type Boxer interface {
	Name() string
	PricePerBox() int

type BoxFruit[T Fruit] struct {
	item       T
	weightInKg int

func (b *BoxFruit[T]) Name() string {
	return "box of fruit of " + b.item.Name()

func (b *BoxFruit[T]) PricePerBox() int {
	return b.weightInKg * b.item.PricePerKg()

type BoxVegetable[T Vegetable] struct {
	item       T
	weightInKg int

func (b *BoxVegetable[T]) Name() string {
	return "vegetable box of " + b.item.Name()

func (b *BoxVegetable[T]) PricePerBox() int {
	return b.weightInKg * b.item.PricePerUnit()

func main() {
	apple := &Apple{10}
	mango := &Mango{5}

	boxApple := &BoxFruit[*Apple]{apple, 10} //Since *Apple implements Fruit interface
	boxMango := &BoxFruit[*Mango]{mango, 20} //Since *Mango implements Fruit interface

	potato := &Potato{"potato", 1}
	boxPotato := &BoxVegetable[*Potato]{potato, 5} //Since *Potato implements Vegetable interface
	tomato := &Tomato{"tomato", 2}
	boxTomato := &BoxVegetable[*Tomato]{tomato, 7} //Since *Tomato implements Fruit interface

	boxes := []Boxer{boxApple, boxMango, boxPotato, boxTomato}
	for _, box := range boxes {
		fmt.Printf("name: %s, price per box: %v\n", box.Name(), box.PricePerBox())


// output
name: box of fruit of apple, price per box: 1000
name: box of fruit of mango, price per box: 4000
name: vegetable box of potato, price per box: 200
name: vegetable box of tomato, price per box: 350

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FAQs on Higher level abstraction in Golang

Q1 – When do I need to use Higher level abstraction in Golang?

A – Whenever you need to use multiple compositions of abstraction or multiple levels of abstraction in Golang (as the above example in this post clearly illustrates its use case), there you can apply Higher level abstraction in Golang to remove the coupling and write modular code.


In this post, you learned how to use Higher level abstraction in Golang using generics and interfaces (also pay attention to how easy it is to use generics in Golang). Just practice with simple programs then apply it to your projects.

Enjoy the post!

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